Wrap Around Care
To help support our parents and carers we offer wrap around care throughout the school year.
Breakfast Club
Please read through the following information –
Booking Information -
Bookings require payment in advance.
The booking service is now open via School Money (please note this is the only means of securing places). Please contact the School Office if you are wishing to book using childcare vouchers.
Breakfast Club Details
Bookings MUST be made for the week by Sunday midnight via School Money at a cost of £2.00 per day which will include toast and/or cereal.
Breakfast Club runs from 7.45 - 8.45am each day.
Pupils may arrive later than this but full charges apply.
The school will not be open for access before this time.
Places are limited to a maximum of 24 pupils.
Breakfast Club will operate from the assembly hall and pupils should enter via the P1-3 entrance at 7.45am.
Mrs Gilmore is our Breakfast Club Coordinator.​
KIPS Care After School Club Details
KIPS Care runs from 2.00pm to 5.30pm each day. There is also an option for P1 children from 12.00pm if necessary during the month of September.
Places are limited to a maximum of 24 pupils.
KIPS Care will operate from a number of rooms during the week (and outside when possible).
Pupils should be collected via the fire exit at the back of the hall.
Please see rates below:
12.00 - 2.00pm - £7
12.00 - 3.00pm - £10
12.00 - 4.00pm - £14
12.00 - 5.00pm - £18
12.00 - 5.30pm - £20
2.00 -3.00pm - £4
2.00 - 4.00pm - £7
2.00 - 5.00pm - £10
2.00 - 5.30pm - £12
3.00 - 4.00pm - £4
3.00 - 5.00pm - £7
3.00 - 5.30pm - £9
4.00 -5.00pm - £4
4.00 - 5.30pm - £6