Integrated Education
KIPS were proud to become an integrated school in 1998.
What does it mean to be an integrated school?
As an integrated school we are intentional…
Intentional in terms of ….
Recruitment of staff and admissions criteria for pupils. We actively seek to have a religious balance of 40% of those from a Roman Catholic tradition, 40% from a Protestant tradition
Education – our pupils learn about the past difficulties in Northern Ireland and how it is importamt that we learn from this.
RE – our pupils learn about the Christian faith and also have the opportunity to find and about many of the world’s major religions. We also offer Catholic RE to prepare pupils for the sacraments.
Being Integrated is great,
Because it doesn't matter who's your mate.
Our school welcomes everyone,
That's what makes it fun.
We don't mind what you believe,
In education we can all achieve.
It doesn't matter if we're different, there's no law,
We all fit together like one big jigsaw.

Integrated Education is value-driven and child-centred. It is delivered through a holistic approach with an emphasis on developing every aspect of a child’s or young person’s potential.
Core Principles of Integrated Education
The four core principles of Integrated Education represent the cornerstones of the integrated ethos. KIPS demonstrates its distinctiveness and vision through a commitment to these principles.
KIPS promotes equality in sharing between and within the diverse groups that compose the school community. This occurs structurally at every level; amongst pupils, staff and the Board of Governors, as well as culturally within the school curriculum.
Faith and Values
In line with the stated ethos of Integrated Education (as outlined by NICIE), KIPS provides a Christian based approach. We aspire to create an environment where those of all faiths and none are respected, acknowledged and accepted as valued members of the school community. At KIPS our children learn about major world religions as topics. Weekly assemblies are opportunities for celebration and will normally have some form of collective worship involved. Visitors both religious (e.g., local Church of Ireland and local Catholic Church) and non-religious (e.g., RNLI and PSNI) have opportunities to speak with the children in an educational context (no more than three times per year).
In addition to the above, parents may choose Catholic RE as an option where their child will have the opportunity to receive sacramental preparation. Parents also have the right to withdraw their child from RE and/or Collective Worship and can do so at any point by contacting the school. However, as an integrated school, we very much believe in the importance of learning from each other and developing mutual understanding and respect.
Parental Involvement
The support and commitment of parents are fundamental elements of Integrated Education and we have an active KIPS+ (PTA), Parent Council and four parent representatives on our Board of Governors.
Social Responsibility
KIPS delivers the curriculum on an all-ability and inclusive basis to all of
its pupils. It respects the uniqueness of every pupils and acknowledges his/her entitlement to personal, social, intellectual and spiritual development in the attainment of individual potential.
We also wish to teach our pupils to be responsible future citizens by giving them opportunities to work within the community as well as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Playground Buddies, P1 helpers, Eco-Council and School Council.
In 2023-2024 Kircubbin Integrated Primary School celebrated 25 years as an Integrated School. As part of our celebrations we launched our School Song "We Are One" with a special visit from our local MP and NICIE Representative.
To find out more about integrated education please use the links below.